i have created service not getting how use service in controller.
(function(){ 'use.strict'; angular .module('app.core') .factory('sharebtwnctrlr', sharebtwnctrlrservice); /** @nginject */ function sharebtwnctrlrservice() { sharebtwnctrlr = function($scope, $rootscope){ $scope.value = $rootscope.test; } return sharebtwnctrlr; } })();
in above code $rootscope.test coming 1 controller , have use $scope.value in controller using service. controller below
(function (){ 'use strict'; angular.module('app.product') .controller('productcontroller', productcontroller); /** @nginject */ //productcontroller.$inject = ['$http', '$location', '$scope']; function productcontroller($http, $location, $rootscope, $scope, $localstorage, $interval, $timeout,$mddialog, $document, sharebtwnctrlr){ var vm = this; } })();
you got 2 modules, dependency injector can't inject service app.core app.product. try create new module
var app = angular.module('app', ['app.core','app.product']);
angular.module('app').factory('sharebtwnctrlr', sharebtwnctrlrservice);