c++ - Why Are All List's Being Populated -

so given definitions:

typedef char task;  struct tache {     char step;     int duration;     list<task> precedenttask; }; 

i've written extraction operator tache:

istream& operator>>(istream& lhs, tache& rhs) {     string line;      getline(lhs, line, '\n');      stringstream ss(line);      ss >> rhs.step;     ss.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '(');     ss >> rhs.duration;     ss.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ')');      const regex re("\\s*,\\s*([a-za-z])");     string precedenttasks;      getline(ss, precedenttasks);      transform(sregex_token_iterator(cbegin(precedenttasks), cend(precedenttasks), re, 1), sregex_token_iterator(), back_insert_iterator<list<task>>(rhs.precedenttask), [](const string& i) {         return i.front();     });      return lhs; } 

however when try use extraction operator istream_iterator precedenttask member seems bleed next element. example, given:

stringstream seq("a(3)\nb(4),a\nc(2),a\ne(5),a\ng(3),a\nj(8),b,h\nh(7),c,e,g\ni(6),g\nf(5),h");  list<tache> alltaches{ istream_iterator<tache>(seq), istream_iterator<tache>() };  (const auto& : alltaches) {     cout << i.step << ' ' << i.duration << ' ';     copy(cbegin(i.precedenttask), cend(i.precedenttask), ostream_iterator<task>(cout, " "));     cout << endl; } 

live example

i getting:

a 3
b 4
c 2 a
e 5 a
g 3 a a
j 8 a a b h
h 7 a a b h c e g
6 a a b h c e g g
f 5 a a b h c e g g h

rather expected:

a 3
b 4
c 2
e 5
g 3
j 8 b h
h 7 c e g
6 g
f 5 h

am misusing sregex_token_iterator?

this has nothing regex , istream_iterator under hood: has 1 t element read when increment it:

istream_iterator& operator++();
3 requires: in_stream != 0.
4 effects: *in_stream >> value.
5 returns: *this.

your stream operator appending rhs.precedenttask, it's not empty start with. clear first. isn't istream_iterator problem either, operator>> has able work in situation too:

tache foo; while (std::cin >> foo) {     // ... } 

if you're doing appending, every subsequent tache after first 1 wrong. responsible initializing of members of object , should make no assumptions previous values.

i'd recommend substituting transform() loop:

sregex_token_iterator it(cbegin(precedenttasks), cend(precedenttasks), re, 1), end; (; != end; ++it) {     rhs.precedenttask.push_back(it->front()); } 

or wrapping in range:

for (std::string match : sregex_matches(precedenttasks, re, 1)) {     rhs.precedenttask.push_back(match.front()); }