ember.js - Acceptance testing file uploads -

i'm using jquery file upload ember component. plugin has api lets me interact file uploads programmatically in tests. works in component tests. in acceptance tests error:

assertion failed: have turned on testing mode, disabled run-loop's autorun. need wrap code asynchronous side-effects in run

a snippet test:

// steps before this.  andthen(() => {   ember.run(() => {      find('.file-upload').fileupload('send', { files: [{name: 'file.doc' }] });     });   }); }); 

any pointers appreciated.

i ran while back. handle this, have wrap actual component code(not test code) asynchronous in ember.run loop. having not affect program merged application's main run loop.

this makes code execute asynchronously while testing.

refer here more info on this: http://discuss.emberjs.com/t/guide-asynchronous-side-effects-in-testing/2905