What characters are allowed in Shopify product handles? -

shopify's documentation shows of characters allowed in product handles (the product identifier used in urls).

since handles used storefront navigation products, collections, blogs , pages, must use alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0 9) without accents (such umlauts, , other diacriticals), nor characters such @ or # etc., , no spaces. spaces converted hyphens, other characters may stripped entirely or converted equivalent standard ascii character.

but if create product in web interface title 'a b-c_d.e' handle generated shopify 'a-b-c_d-e'. seems underscores allowed, spaces , dots converted hyphens.

what full set of characters allowed in product handles?

i wrote script test if shopify api accepts each of ascii codes 0 127 in product handle. tries modify handle of existing product xcxc c ascii character test , x literally letter x. did way find out how each character handled when surrounded text , when trailing @ end of handle.

here results:


  • 0-9
  • a-z
  • a-z (will converted lowercase)
  • _ (underscore)

allowed when surrounded removed when @ end of string:

  • - (hyphen)

converted - (hyphen) when surrounded removed when @ end of string

  • space
  • ! # $ % & * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ \ ^ ` { | } ~
  • ascii control codes 0 32


  • " ' ( ) [ ]

see wikipedia details on each ascii code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ascii