r - Caret package Custom metric -

i'm using caret function "train()" in 1 of project , i'd add "custom metric" f1-score. looked @ url caret package cannot understand how can build score parameter available.

there example of custom metric following:

## example custom metric madsummary <- function (data, lev = null, model = null) { out <- mad(data$obs - data$pred, na.rm = true) names(out) <- "mad" out } robustcontrol <- traincontrol(summaryfunction = madsummary) marsgrid <- expand.grid(degree = 1, nprune = (1:10) * 2) earthfit <- train(medv ~ ., data = bostonhousing, method = "earth", tunegrid = marsgrid, metric = "mad", maximize = false, trcontrol = robustcontrol) 


i tried code problem doesn't work multiple classes code below (the f1 score displayed, weird) i'm not sure think function f1_score works on binary classes

library(caret) library(mlmetrics)  set.seed(346) dat <- iris  ## see http://topepo.github.io/caret/training.html#metrics f1 <- function(data, lev = null, model = null) {  print(data)   f1_val <- f1_score(y_pred = data$pred, y_true = data$obs)   c(f1 = f1_val) }  # split data .75 input in_train <- createdatapartition(dat$species, p = .70, list = false)  trainclass <- dat[in_train,] testclass <- dat[-in_train,]    set.seed(35) mod <- train(species ~ ., data = trainclass ,              method = "rpart",              metric = "f1",              trcontrol = traincontrol(summaryfunction = f1,                                    classprobs = true))  print(mod) 

i coded manual f1 score well, 1 input confusion matrix: (i'm not sure if can have confusion matrix in "summaryfunction"

f1_score <- function(mat, algoname){  ## ## compute f1-score ##   # remark: left column = prediction // top = real values recall <- matrix(1:nrow(mat), ncol = nrow(mat)) precision <- matrix(1:nrow(mat), ncol = nrow(mat)) f1_score <- matrix(1:nrow(mat), ncol = nrow(mat))   for(i in 1:nrow(mat)){   recall[i] <- mat[i,i]/rowsums(mat)[i]   precision[i] <- mat[i,i]/colsums(mat)[i] }  for(i in 1:ncol(recall)){    f1_score[i] <- 2 * ( precision[i] * recall[i] ) / ( precision[i] + recall[i])  }   # display matrix labels  colnames(f1_score) <- colnames(mat)  rownames(f1_score) <- algoname   # display f1_score each class  f1_score   # display average f1_score  mean(f1_score[1,]) } 

you should here details. working example

library(caret) library(mlmetrics)  set.seed(346) dat <- twoclasssim(200)  ## see http://topepo.github.io/caret/training.html#metrics f1 <- function(data, lev = null, model = null) {   f1_val <- f1_score(y_pred = data$pred, y_true = data$obs, positive = lev[1])   c(f1 = f1_val) }  set.seed(35) mod <- train(class ~ ., data = dat,              method = "rpart",              tunelength = 5,              metric = "f1",              trcontrol = traincontrol(summaryfunction = f1,                                        classprobs = true)) 
