winforms - How can I rotate text or a number 90° in Windows Forms/C++? -

i want rotate block of text or number 90° in windows forms application, visual studio 2010 (c++). there easy way this?

you must create logfont , play values of lfescapement , lforientation, so:

setgraphicsmode(hdc, gm_advanced);  logfont font          = {0};  font.lfheight         = 0; font.lfwidth          = 0; font.lfescapement     = 900; // here font.lforientation    = 900; // , here font.lfweight         = 0; font.lfitalic         = false; font.lfunderline      = false; font.lfstrikeout      = false; font.lfcharset        = default_charset; font.lfoutprecision   = out_default_precis; font.lfclipprecision  = clip_default_precis; font.lfquality        = cleartype_quality; font.lfpitchandfamily = default_pitch | ff_dontcare;  auto newfont = createfontindirect(&font); auto oldfont = selectobject(hdc, newfont);  /* actual drawing here */  selectobject(hdc, oldfont);  setgraphicsmode(hdc, gm_compatible);  deleteobject(newfont);