filter by multiple values angularjs -

i perform filter , count of resulted rows in js file

filter by

1) locationid and
2) startdate between introductoryperiodstart , introductoryperiodend.

the following statement giving synatx error. please give me right statement.

$scope.newemps = $filter('filter')($scope.summary.corpemployees, { locationid: $scope.selecteditem.label } | { startdate:$scope.model.introductoryperiodstart:$scope.model.introductoryperiodend}).length; 

code :

dashboardmodule.controller('dashboardcontroller', ['$scope','$filter', 'dashboardmoduleservice', function ($scope,$filter, dashboardmoduleservice) {      $scope.selecteditems = {};     $scope.newemps;     $scope.qualfd;     $scope.scred;     $scope.submtd8850misindocs;     $scope.docsrecvd8850;     $scope.docssubmtd8850;     $scope.approved;     $scope.denied;     $scope.needmoreinfo;     $scope.selecteditem; var ein = '0000000';      dashboardmoduleservice.getdashboardsummary(ein).then(function (response) {        // $scope.summary = json.stringify(;         $scope.summary =;         $scope.corporateid =;                $scope.dropboxitemselected = function (item) {             $scope.selecteditem = item;                   }              console.log($scope.summary);     });      $('#txtdaterange').on('apply.daterangepicker', function (ev, picker) {         $scope.isrefreshing = true;         $scope.model.introductoryperiodend = $filter('date')(new date(picker.enddate), 'mm/dd/yyyy');         $scope.model.introductoryperiodstart = $filter('date')(new date(picker.startdate), 'mm/dd/yyyy');         $scope.model.typeavailability = picker.chosenlabel === "custom range" ? "custom" : picker.chosenlabel;         $scope.$apply();          console.log($scope.model.introductoryperiodend);         console.log($scope.model.introductoryperiodstart);         $scope.filterbydate();     });         angular.element(document).ready(function () {         var dateconfiguration = new date();         $('#txtdaterange').daterangepicker({             locale:{                 format: 'mm/dd/yyyy'             },             autoapply: true         });         loadchartcallcenter();         loadcharthumanefits();         loadchartqualificationsource(362, 100, 88);     });      $scope.greaterthan = function (prop, val) {         return function (item) {             return item[prop] > val;         }     };      $scope.lessthan = function (prop, val) {         return function (item) {             return item[prop] < val;         }     };      $scope.filterbydate = function () {         console.log($scope.selecteditem);         console.log($scope.selecteditem.label);         console.log($scope.model.introductoryperiodstart);         console.log($scope.summary.corpemployees);          $scope.newemps = $scope.$eval("summary.corpemployees | filter:{locationid:selecteditem.label} | filter:greatherthan('startdate',model.introductoryperiodstart) | filter:lessthan('startdate',model.introductoryperiodend)").length;         }     }; }]); 

you have few errors: 0- date (greather / less) filters not defined. 1- can't use in way.

so: 0- define greatherthan

$scope.greaterthan = function(prop, val){   return function(item){     return item[prop] > val;   } }; 

1- define lessthan

$scope.lessthan = function(prop, val){   return function(item){     return item[prop] < val;   } }; 

2- use $scope.$eval

$scope.size =  $scope.$eval("elements | filter:{locationid:location} | filter:greatherthan('startdate',initdate) | filter:lessthan('startdate',enddate)").length; 

i updated better approach. check this:

i combine lessthan greatherthan in one: inrangedate. plus, if not date automatically cast date.

$scope.inrangedate = function (prop, init, end) {   return function(item){     init = init instanceof date ? init : new date(init);     end = end instanceof date ? end : new date(end);     return item[prop] > init && item[prop] < end;   } }; 

check plunkr: (i apply on $scope.size) 0. first approach in version 4 of plunkr 1. inrangedate approach in version 5 of same plunkr