linux - Trying to grep instance id from within a text file -

i have text file bak.txt following content:

^[[34minfo^[[0m[0000] engine version 1.11.1-cs1 compatible ^[[34minfo^[[0m[0000] detected local components of ucp instance h7lq:wkr5:g2px:4f3v:jq47:wcig:jv4w:v6se:4wmr:tlzn:xywh:mieq ^[[31mfata^[[0m[0000] re-run command "--id h7lq:wkr5:g2px:4f3v:jq47:wcig:jv4w:v6se:4wmr:tlzn:xywh:mieq" or --interactive confirm want upgrade ucp instance. 

i trying grep ucp instance value bak.txt file using following command:

grep -po '(?<=instance=)[^"]*' bak.txt 

it not working. please suggest correct way.

try grep:

grep -op '(?<=instance )[^"]+' bak.txt