numpy - How to input both wind speed and direction data and pcolormesh plot it in python, with both on the same plot? -
i have wind speed , direction data need plot python. got data data file , did calculations wind speed , data, , here got:
wind_speed = np.sqrt(u**2+ v**2) wind_speed wind_dir_trig_to = (np.arctan2((u/wind_speed), (v/wind_speed))) wind_dir_trig_to_degrees = (wind_dir_trig_to * (180/np.pi)) wind_dir_trig_from_degrees = wind_dir_trig_to_degrees + 180 wind_dir_trig_from_degrees wind_dir_cardinal = 90 - wind_dir_trig_from_degrees wind_dir_cardinal
this output of code shown above:
array([[ 25.05589294, 26.44908142, 25.87358856, ..., 26.09784698, 24.73834229, 23.79068756], [ 25.00778198, 26.04024506, 25.52288055, ..., 24.56259918, 22.53238678, 21.8249054 ], [ 23.54372406, 23.90814972, 24.1379776 , ..., 24.2286377 , 22.26264191, 21.62586975], ..., [ 26.37328339, 27.58541107, 27.02276611, ..., 22.10659027, 22.27283478, 23.06639862], [ 26.5234375 , 26.64894867, 25.70041656, ..., 24.78749084, 24.94545746, 25.05831909], [ 25.57256317, 24.58295441, 23.94006348, ..., 27.29759979, 27.22042084, 26.55405426]], dtype=float32)
how use data plot both wind speed , direction same pcolormesh graph in python?
how about:
import matplotlib.pyplot pl pl.pcolormesh(wind_dir_cardinal)