osx - Run terminal command on startup with launchd.plist -

i looking answer question on stackoverflow , found thread (https://superuser.com/questions/229773/run-command-on-startup-login-mac-os-x). that's how found out launchd.plist , made 1 myself:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype plist public "-//apple computer//dtd plist 1.0//en" "http://www.apple.com/dtds/propertylist-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict>     <key>label</key>     <string>js.leapmotion</string>      <key>ondemand</key>     <false/>      <key>programarguments</key>     <array>             <string>open</string>             <string>/applications/utilities/terminal.app</string>     </array>      <key>launchonlyonce</key>     <true/> </dict> </plist> 

this indeed starts terminal after booting mac. want navigate directory , run command gulp in there. again rest, opens localhost , on...

so in end need run gulp within specific directory. that's all. if launchd.plist not best way go, i'm open alternatives. otherwise know how can tell terminal commands should run.

thanks hints. cheers


you can use open command open terminal , run script using -a flag. example, open -a terminal /path/to/myscript open new terminal window , run myscript. note when myscript finishes, session terminate (i.e. there's no shell). change that, can run bash or whatever preferred shell part of script.

in case, suggest creating basic script whatever want terminal execute, such :

#!/usr/bin/env bash  cd /path/to/your/directory /usr/bin/gulp 

save (making sure it's executable), , change launchd plist match:

<key>programarguments</key> <array>         <string>open</string>         <string>-a</string>         <string>terminal</string>         <string>/path/to/yourscript</string> </array>