i have django site , theres page user clicks on "rotate image" button , page should reloaded image rotated.
the problem works locally, in production i'm having problems (probably due time upload , load image again).
in view, code this:
def rotateleft(request,idredacao): obj = myobject.objects.get(pk=idredacao) ... original_photo = stringio.stringio(obj.arquivo.read()) rotated_photo = stringio.stringio() image = image.open(original_photo) image = image.rotate(90) image.save(rotated_photo, 'jpeg') path = obj.arquivo._get_path() obj.arquivo.delete() obj.arquivo.save(path , contentfile(rotated_photo.getvalue())) obj.save() return render(request, 'thesamepagefromrequest.html',{"obj":obj,...})
any idea of how solve problem?
sorry bad english. appreciate help.