i have number of ssis packages have deployed sql server 2014. packages take file parameter place variable. rawfile variable number of variables derived. packages running fine in development environment , providing me output expecting. problem have unable deploy .dtsx packages using ssms because of following (i think expected because there no filename yet) errors:
error loading xxxxxxx.dtsx: casting expression "substring(@[user::varrawfile],19,2)" data type "dt_wstr" data type "dt_i4" failed error code 0xc00470c2.
error loading xxxxxxx.dtsx: error code 0x80020005 occurred attempting convert data type dt_wstr data type dt_i4.
error saving xxxxxxx.dtsx: expression variable "vardatamonth" failed evaluation. there error in expression.
in design mode have delayvalidation , validateexternalmetadata set true , false objects respectively. able work around issue deploying directly visual studio isn't inline organisation's change management process.
any appreciated.