Zoom Image with Drawing on Panel in C# -

i use scaled down version of image , drawing on based on mouse events. update result on panel setting .backgroundimage property. following code.

private void repaint() {     bitmap buffer = new bitmap(panel1.width, panel1.height);     task.factory.startnew(() =>     {         using (graphics g = graphics.fromimage(buffer))         {             // loads large image file             bitmap img = new bitmap(images[currentimage]);             g.smoothingmode = smoothingmode.antialias;              g.clear(systemcolors.control);             imgwop = 0.24f * img.width;             imghop = 0.24f * img.height;             float trans_x = panel1.width / 2 - imgwop / 2;             float trans_y = panel1.height / 2 - imghop / 2;             // draw scaled version in center of panel             g.drawimage(img, trans_x, trans_y, imgwop, imghop);             // drawing here             g.drawline(...)             g.drawellipse(...)         }     }     this.invoke(new action(() =>     {         panel1.backgroundimage = buffer;     }));     }); }   

now, need zoom image includes graphics. need the co-ordinates of graphics draw zoom changes. zoom final bitmap before setting backgroundimage not scrollbars able see entire image. i've set autoscroll true.