python - How to join() - chapter 8 Automate the Boring Stuff -

from automate boring stuff python book: "create mad libs program reads in text files , lets user add own text anywhere word adjective, noun, adverb, or verb appears in text file. example, text file may this:

the adjective panda walked noun , verb. nearby noun unaffected these events.

the program find these occurrences , prompt user replace them."

i'm done, can't seem figure out how .join last list on file. i've looked online , tried methods. instead of getting string out of join, whitespace in ' '.join(mod4) separating letters within each list string value. [ ' n ' , ' o n e ' , ' t w o ' , ' n d ' , ' t h r e e ' , ' f o u r ' ] else job.

#! python3  import re  madtext = open('madtext.txt', 'w')  text = 'an adjective, noun, adverb , verb.'  madtext.write(text) madtext.close()  content = re.split('\w+', text)  in content:      if == "adjective":         replaceregex = re.compile(r'(adjective)')         print('enter adjective:')         adjective = input()         output = replaceregex.sub(adjective, str(content))      elif == "noun":         replaceregex = re.compile(r'(noun)')         print('enter noun:')         noun = input()         output = replaceregex.sub(noun, str(output))      elif == "adverb":         replaceregex = re.compile(r'(adverb)')         print('enter adverb:')         adverb =  input()         output = replaceregex.sub(adverb, str(output))      elif == "verb":         replaceregex = re.compile(r'(verb)')         print('enter verb:')         verb = input()         output = replaceregex.sub(verb, str(output))  content = re.split('\w+', output) #content = list(output.split(' ')) content = ' '.join(content) print(content) madlibs = open('madtext2.txt', 'w') madlibs.write(content) madlibs.close() 

you have basic assumption preventing completing this. assignment of mod4 based on previous assignments , order.

instead should doing initializing output variable [] , appending words loop through content. add adlib words along real words.

once have built output list, then use join turn output string.

also, using regex overkill. let's assume you've made output = [] before loop.

if == 'noun':    print('enter noun:')    noun = input()  # raw_input() on python 2    output += noun [...] 

now hit each adlib token replace inputted text , build output list.