javascript - jQuery selector isn't triggering a click event on my image icon -

i have assortment of divs each have identical dropdown menu. when active element on 1 of image icons (chevron down) i'm trying mimic click event. problem when function fires off, nothing?


<div class="appexperience small-tile"> <div class="blue-bar"> <h2 class="tile-header">application experience</h2> <span class="dropdown hidden-xs"> <i class="tcm-chevron glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down expand-icon dropdown-toggle"    role="button"    aria-labledby="expand application experience summary dropdown menu"    ng-src="{{dropdown_appexperience}}"    data-toggle="dropdown"    tabindex="0"    alt="expand application experience summary dropdown menu"></i> <ul class="dropdown-menu appexperience tilecontextmenu">     <li>    list item 1     </li>     <li>    list item 2     </li>      ... 

what i've tried:

$(window).on("keydown", function() {              console.log(document.activeelement);             console.log($(".glyphicon-chevron-down")[0]);                  if (document.activeelement === $(".glyphicon-chevron-down")[0])  {                              console.log("activeelement recognized!")                                 $(".glyphicon-chevron-down")[0].focus( function() {                                 $( ).trigger("click");                          });                     }                 }); 

you should know that

$(window).on("keydown", function() { … }); 

will register handler fire on every single keyboard action on entire page. if want limit tab, consider checking event.keycode === 9 or better event.key === 'tab'.

the following code has few issues:

if (document.activeelement === $(".glyphicon-chevron-down")[0]) {    console.log("activeelement recognized!")        $(".glyphicon-chevron-down")[0].focus(function() {       $( ).trigger("click");      });   } }); 
  1. as @mike mccaughan pointed out in comment, $(selector)[0] give htmlelement, you're calling htmlelement.focus(), , not jquery.focus().
  2. if registering focus event handler successful, you'd end bunch of handlers being registered. because add listeners, never remove them.
  3. this code checks if .glyphicon-chevron-down activeelemnt , if that's case, attempts add focus event listener. pointless, because @ point element has focus - that's why it's activeelement.

what goal "mimicing click event"?