postgresql - How to choose database structure? -

i have 2 entities storage, items. items stored in storages. items have different types. example, item types resources, weapon. weapons have unique item instance characteristics "damaged".

resources doesn't have unique instance characteristics, , can stacked existing instance increasing count.

i have multiples way it:

  1. save in 1 table: storage_items (id, item_id, count, damaged) , create partial index on item_id condition count not null

  2. separate 2 tables types (storage_resources, storage_weapons)

  3. create 2 tables storage_items (storage_items_id, item_id,count) , items_properties (id, storage_items_id, damaged).

one way have different subtypes linked common table use type codes distinguish link. example:

create table storage(     id       serial,     itemtype char( 1 ) not null,     ..., -- fields common items     constraint ck_storagetype check itemtype in( 'r', 'w' ),     primary key( id, itemtype ) ); 

the id field unique, may need or want have pk itself. can have instead:

create table storage(     id       serial,     itemtype char( 1 ),     ..., -- fields common items     constraint ck_storagetype check itemtype in( 'r', 'w' ),     primary key( id ),     constraint uq_iditem unique( id, itemtype ) ); 

either way, create separate table each type of item:

create table resourceitems(     id       int not null,     itemtype char( 1 ) not null,     ..., -- fields unique resource items     constraint resourceitemtype check( itemtype = 'r' ),     primary key( id, itemtype ),     constraint fk_resourceitem_storage( id, itemtype )         references storage( id, itemtype ) );  create table weaponitems(     id       int not null,     itemtype char( 1 ) not null,     ..., -- fields unique weapon items     constraint weaponitemtype check( itemtype = 'w' ),     primary key( id, itemtype ),     constraint fk_weaponitem_storage( id, itemtype )         references storage( id, itemtype ) ); 

so must designate storage entries either r or w type. resource entries must have entry in storage defined r , weapon entries must have storage entry defined w. allows have different types of items while keeping them firmly segregated, maintaining data integrity.