ember.js - ember liquid-teather transitions.js -

i using ember liquid-teather - http://pzuraq.github.io/liquid-tether/#/examples?a=animation-with-context

the code have used example under 'animation context'.

the modal works, there no nice transitions getting error in console re transitions.js file.

see transitions code below:

export default function(){   this.transition(     target('modal-dialog'),     this.tovalue(({ index: newindex }, { index: oldindex }) => newindex > oldindex),     this.use('tether', ['to-left', options]),     this.reverse('tether', ['to-right', options])   );    this.transition(     target('modal-dialog'),     this.tovalue(({ index }) => index === 1),     this.use('tether', 'fade', 'fade')   );    this.transition(     target('modal-dialog'),     this.tovalue(({ index }) => !index),     this.use('tether', 'fade', 'fade')   ); } 

the error is: target not defined.

how define target?

thank in advance! :-)

you can check here values allowed options. http://tether.io/ search under options :).