How can I replace in Perl when I have 2 texts? -

i have 2 files first 1 has 2 lines: first line integer , second string. second file string corresponding number, want replace string in file 1 corresponding number in file 2 (like output file after file 2):

file 1:

51.6659  28.4185  chahp sanap  

i want replace digit instead of string:

file 2:

kard 28.5581  51.6588  chah 28.4683  51.6566  sana 28.4513  51.6041 

what want have:


51.6659  28.4185 28.4683  51.6566 ---  51.6659  28.4185 28.4513  51.6041 

try program, maybe give idea on how started.

more perl basics:

#!/usr/bin/perl #  use strict; use warnings;  # 1. assign files $file1 = './file1.txt'; $file2 = './file2.txt';  # 2. read files @file1_arr; open(my $fh, "<", $file1) or die "can't open $file1: $!"; while (my $row = <$fh>) {   chomp $row;   push(@file1_arr, $row); } close($fh);  @file2_arr; open(my $fh2, "<", $file2) or die "can't open $file2: $!"; while (my $row = <$fh2>) {   chomp $row;   push(@file2_arr, $row); } close($fh2);  # 3. replace string in file1 corresponding number in file 2 # create table @file2_arr %name_ha; foreach $i (@file2_arr) {     @arr = split(/\s+/,$i);     $key = $arr[0] . 'p'; # modify chah chahp...     $value = "$arr[1] $arr[2]";     $name_ha{$key} = $value; }  # replace... @str_arr = split(/\s+/, $file1_arr[1]); # chahp sanap @str_res; foreach $i (@str_arr) {     push(@str_res, $name_ha{$i}) if (defined $name_ha{$i});  }  # print result $res; foreach $i (@str_res) {      $res .= "$file1_arr[0]\n";     $res .= "$i\n---\n"; } print $res;  # 4. write result new file open(my $fh3, ">", "./output.txt") or die "can't open > ./output.txt: $!"; print $fh3 $res; close($fh3);  print "result saved in ./output.txt\n";  # output:  # [~]$ ./ # 51.6659 28.4185 # 28.4683 51.6566 # --- # 51.6659 28.4185 # 28.4513 51.6041 # --- # result saved in ./output.txt # [~]$ cat ./output.txt # 51.6659 28.4185 # 28.4683 51.6566 # --- # 51.6659 28.4185 # 28.4513 51.6041 # --- # [~]$