javascript - ES6 - Browserify + babel + flot chart plugin -

i trying use flot chart node dependency , use bable , browserify bundle in application.

i have flot chart working fine using import 'flot';

i use other types of charts flot can handle such pie chart.

the flot node_modules folder has jquery.flot, jquery.flot.pie, etc. jquery.flot imported , bundled. can jquery.flot.pie not. import statement import 'flot.pie' doesn't work either. using gulp build app.

anyone have suggestions? relatively new node babel, , browserify.

here browserify setup in package.json

"browserify-shim": { "bootstrap": {   "depends": [     "jquery:jquery"   ]  } }, "browserify-swap": { "@packages": [   "underscore" ], "dist": {   "underscore.js$": "lodash" } }, "browserify": { "transform": [   "babelify",   [     "hbsfy",     {       "extensions": [         "hbs"       ]     }   ],   "browserify-swap",   "browserify-shim" ] } 

i able solve question putting reference flot.pie plugin in package.json.

 browser": {   "bootstrap": "./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js",   "flot.pie":"./node_modules/flot/jquery.flot.pie" }, 

now can use import 'flot'; , import 'flot.pie';