bash - Rearrange rows in a file based on the column -

i'm looking rearrange rows in text file(test.txt) based on last column having numbers.for example in below file see numbers 714,708,816,202,222 respectively last want rearrange entire column in ascending order based on last column

wwwdev.comp.hello:443          hello, inc.     valid    may 20 2018 714  hostname                          cert          expiry hidev.comp.hello:443           hello, inc.     valid    may 14 2018 708   hidev.comp.hello:443           hello, inc.     valid   --------------                           gtdev.hello:443                hello, inc.     valid    aug 30 2018 816                                                                                        wwwdev.hello:443               hello, inc.     valid    dec 24 2016 202                                 wwwdev.hello:443               hello, inc.     valid    dec 24 2016 222  

expected o/p:

   wwwdev.hello:443               hello, inc.     valid    dec 24 2016 202     hostname                          cert          expiry     wwwdev.hello:443               hello, inc.     valid    dec 24 2016 222      hidev.comp.hello:443           hello, inc.     valid   --------------       hidev.comp.hello:443           hello, inc.     valid    may 14 2018 708     wwwdev.comp.hello:443          hello, inc.     valid    may 20 2018 714     gtdev.hello:443                hello, inc.     valid    aug 30 2018 816  


 sort -k6 -n test.txt 

please suggest.

note:i have skip rows without numbers , continue next row.

$ sort -n -k8 file  wwwdev.hello:443               hello, inc.     valid    dec 24 2016 202 wwwdev.hello:443               hello, inc.     valid    dec 24 2016 222 hidev.comp.hello:443           hello, inc.     valid    may 14 2018 708 wwwdev.comp.hello:443          hello, inc.     valid    may 20 2018 714 gtdev.hello:443                hello, inc.     valid    aug 30 2018 816   

if don't know how many columns there are, better decorate/sort/undecorate awk.

$ awk '{print $nf "\t" $0}' file | sort -n -k1,1 | cut -f2-