c# - Windows Form Fullscreen -

i having issue getting forms application go fullscreen.

this.clientsize = new system.drawing.size(1920, 1080); this.formborderstyle = system.windows.forms.formborderstyle.none; this.startposition = system.windows.forms.formstartposition.centerscreen; this.windowstate = system.windows.forms.formwindowstate.maximized; 

my window borderless, issue appears not proper resolution (screenshot) want take entire screen. screen resolution 1920x1080, , have tried setting bounds bounds of screen, makes no difference.

if set window state minimized, again maximized goes true fullscreen, elements not scale it, , messes positioning math.

is there solution?

you might doing much. works me:

formborderstyle = system.windows.forms.formborderstyle.none;

setbounds(0, 0, screen.primaryscreen.bounds.width, screen.primaryscreen.bounds.height);