this question has answer here:
i have following arrow function
if( rowcheckstatuses.reduce((a, b) => + b, 0) ){}
array of 1's , 0's, arrow function adds them produce number. number acts boolean determine whether or not there @ least 1 "1" in array.
the issue is, don't understand how arrow functions work, , ide thinks it's bad syntax , refuses check rest of document syntax errors.
how go converting regular function alleviate both issues?
you can refactor as:
if( rowcheckstatuses.reduce(function(a, b){return + b}, 0)
the initial accumulator isn't necessary (unless expect array empty sometimes), be:
if( rowcheckstatuses.reduce(function(a, b){return + b})
this number acts boolean determine whether or not there @ least 1 "1" in array
it might faster (and clearer) use:
if( rowcheckstatuses.some(function(a){return == 1}))
which return true if there 1s in rowcheckstatuses , return 1 encountered. alternative indexof:
if( rowcheckstatuses.indexof(1) != -1)
lots of alternatives.