i found link marked answered solution not clear. here's link!
indy10 crashing in xe2 when trying set compression servlet call. have downloaded entire indy10 project , followed instructions uninstalling , installing it. crashes when decompressing.
uses idhttp, idcompressorzlib; function createidhttp: tidhttp; var idhttp: tidhttp; idhandler: tidssliohandlersocketopenssl; begin idhttp := tidhttp.create; idhttp.compressor := tidcompressorzlib.create(idhttp); result := idhttp; end;
here call stack:
exception class : eaccessviolation exception message : access violation @ address 00000038. write of address 00000038. main thread ($368c): 00000038 +000 ??? 17f56136 +00a census.dll idzlibheaders inflateinitex 17f5e8ab +00f census.dll idzlib localtrystreamtype 17f5e983 +037 census.dll idzlib checkinitinflatestream 17f5eb01 +0d5 census.dll idzlib decompressstream 17f5fbb4 +004 census.dll idcompressorzlib tidcompressorzlib.inflatestream 17f28e84 +0a8 census.dll idzlibcompressorbase tidzlibcompressorbase.decompressgzipstream 17f53105 +379 census.dll idhttp tidcustomhttp.readresult 17f55a9b +2ef census.dll idhttp tidhttpprotocol.processresponse 17f55f64 +1c0 census.dll idhttp tidcustomhttp.dorequest 17f55d5d +055 census.dll idhttp tidcustomhttp.get 17f519e4 +030 census.dll idhttp tidcustomhttp.get 182c577f +093 census.dll semess 390 +6 tecsmessaging.geticformdatafromservlet 182c541f +043 census.dll semess 296 +3 tecsmessaging.timer1timer 503e7397 +00f vcl160.bpl vcl extctrls.ttimer.timer 503e727b +02b vcl160.bpl vcl extctrls.ttimer.wndproc 75bd7895 +00a user32.dll dispatchmessagew 504525e7 +0f3 vcl160.bpl vcl forms.tapplication.processmessage 5045262a +00a vcl160.bpl vcl forms.tapplication.handlemessage 5045295d +0c9 vcl160.bpl vcl forms.tapplication.run