@Qwikster Isn’t Who You Might Think It Is, Netflix Probably Not Thrilled

No doubt you’ve heard that Netflix is spliting itself down the middle into digital streaming Netflix and disc-delivery service Qwikster. You can go follow @netflix for all your Netflix news, but @qwikster, however, is a different story. You see, Qwikster is the Twitter handle of one Jason Castillo, proud fan of soccer, swearing and marijuana use. Qwikster has been registered to Castillo since April 29th and his tweets, though sparse, are all gems.

The account hasn’t seen any activity since weeks before the Qwikster announcement, but its followers jumped from around 400 last night to around 800 this morning to a cool 2,097 and growing. As if all this weren’t enough, there is one final detail that blunt-weilding Elmo would probably find hilarious; in his first tweet as Qwikster, Castillo mentions that he’s mad that he has to make a new Twitter account considering he cannot remember the credentials to the old one. He should start writing these things down, he muses. I sure hope he made note of this one.

(Thanks to @Scott_Bromley for bringing this to my attention)

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