azureservicebus - Azure WebJob process multiple service bus queues that are set in configuration -

i working on solution webjob monitors service bus queue. works great needs adaptable manage number of queues changing list of queues in config.

currently can see can this:

    public static void processqueuemessage1([servicebustrigger("queue1")] brokeredmessage message, textwriter log)     {      } 

and queue need add method:

    public static void processqueuemessage2([servicebustrigger("queue2")] brokeredmessage message, textwriter log)     {      } 

obviously, don't want add new method every time need watch new queue.

how go using webjob monitor queue who's name in config? mean list of queue names not 1 in config.

for example, know can use queuenameresolver following:

    public static void processqueuemessage([servicebustrigger("%nameincofig%")] brokeredmessage message, textwriter log)     {} 

but want process list of queue names 1 webjob processqueuemessage method.

i have been searching ages , @ point of using workerrole instead.

any great.

i'm curious why you've got multiple queues being handled same method - there might better design pattern , approach this...but...

you accomplish not using trigger attribute , instead start web job host , use code iterates on queues specified in config file, wiring queue client same onmessage action each one. this:

. . . var factory = messagingfactory.createfromconnectionstring(""); foreach (var queue in queues) {     var client = _factory.createqueueclient(queue);     client.onmessage(onmessagereceived, options); } . . .  public void onmessagereceived(brokeredmessage message) {      // work } 

there number of additional options on queueclient , onmessage call how messages should handled, approach might work.