linux - Unexpected character in the filename I'm writing to -

my problem related assembler , shellcoding.

i started off writing first shellcode , worked out pretty far. made assembly script of following c code:

#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h>  int main() {     int fd = open("test.txt", o_creat | o_wronly);     write(fd, "hello world!", 6);      return 0; } 

the assembly code piece looks this:

global _start  _start:      xor eax, eax ; null eax reg      push   0x7478742e       ; push "test.txt" on stack     push   0x74736574      mov ebx, esp            ; first argument     mov cl, 0x41            ; flags o_creat | o_wronly     mov al, 0x5             ; sys_open     int 0x80      push 0x736b6330         ; "shellcodingr0cks"     push 0x72676e69     push 0x646f636c     push 0x6c656853      mov ebx, eax            ; file identifier     mov ecx, esp            ; string on stack     mov dl, 0x10            ; 0x10 size of string     mov al, 0x4             ;  sys_write     int 0x80      xor eax, eax            ; exit proc     inc eax     int 0x80 

the program works pretty , i've got expected output there 1 problem , don't know why occurring.

the filename of file i'm writing should test.txt writing test.txt^a. don't know ^a coming from, nor know how fix it.

does know wrong, , how can fix it?