c++ - Spline options for interpolating between control points on a population curve? -

i'm looking model population curves using interpolative spline between 7 control points. problem can't find grokkable/digestable coding/math resource compares pros , cons of various splines in layman's terms.

first, here's simplified illustration of population curve in code:

struct curvepoint { public:     short height; // point's height along population curve, measured age in years (can negative, representing building trend peak/valley happen in future)     double width; // (nonnegative) width of population curve @ point, measured number of people **born within single year**     // each curvepoint represents 1 "bar" of population pyramid that's 1 year tall. };  class populationcurve { public:     std::array<curvepoint, 7> control_points; // assumes control_points[i].height < control_points[i + 1].height , control_points[i].width >= 0     // control_points[0] young end of curve (typically nonpositive number; see above)     // control_points[6] old end of curve (typically representing longevity of population; if so, control_points[6].width 0 since no 1 left alive @ point)      std::vector<curvepoint> constructcurve() {         std::vector<curvepoint> curve;         short youngest_age = control_points[0].height;         short oldest_age = control_points[6].height;         (auto = youngest_age; <= oldest_age; ++a) {             curvepoint p;             p.height = a;             // p.width = ??? (the interpolated width @ age a)             curve.push_back(p);         }         return curve;     }     void deconstructcurve(std::vector<curvepoint> curve) {         std::array<curvepoint, 7> sampled_control_points;         // ??? (turn point samples input curve control points appropriate)         control_points = sampled_control_points;     } }; 

the hardcoding of 7 control points intentional. i'm implementing choice between 2 compression schemes: virtually lossless compression of 7 control points in 44 bytes, , lossy compression of 7 control points in 20 bytes (my application more memory/disk-limited cpu-limited). don't believe compression schemes relevant question, let me know if need show code, if there's reason should considering <7 or >7 control points.

here criteria i'm looking in spline, in descending order of importance:

  1. interpolation between control points. far important criterion; otherwise, would've used bézier curve or b-spline.
  2. interpolation between first , last control point only. if points aren't interpolated between, first , last can (i.e. bézier curve or b-spline would've got me).
  3. fast constructability + deconstructability. there's near-1:1 correlation between constructcurve() , deconstructcurve(); every call construct followed call deconstruct, i'm interested in combined performance , not performance of either 1 individually. being said, while i'm interested in memory/disk optimization right now, not going prematurely optimize speed, consideration only.
  4. reasonably accurate deconstructability.
  5. lossless deconstructability if no changes curve made. i.e. if deconstructcurve(constructcurve()); called, control_points remain same.
  6. prettiness =) (since linear interpolation between control points is best match rest of criteria...)

i didn't post question on math since it's not entirely language-agnostic , contains c++ code. didn't post on gamedev since it's question of implementation , not design.