php - How to get result query from ajax post in codeigniter -

i have question how result query in codeigniter, need value of result query send ajax json_encode.

the script this..

public function getpost()        {      $getcode = $_post['part_code'];      $query = $this->db->query('select count(*) + 1 count tb_transaction part_code ='%$getcode%'');     foreach ($query->result('tb_transaction') $row)     {        echo $row->count; // call attributes     }     $phpvar = array("status"=>$row->count);      echo json_encode ($status) ;         } 

my ajax function this..

<script> function makeajaxcall() {  $.ajax({          type: "post",          url: "http://localhost/iwos_ci/trans_invent_controller/getpost",          cache: false,            data: $('#form1').serialize(),          success: function(json){     try{             var obj = jquery.parsejson(json);          var r = obj['status']; }catch(e)         {            alert('exception while request..');          }    },          error: function(){           alert('error while request..');  }  }); } 

i create function in controller not model. , attention.

try this, need modify suit code though:

<script type="text/javascript"> function makeajaxcall() {      $.ajax({          type: "post",          url: "http://localhost/iwos_ci/trans_invent_controller/getpost",          cache: false,            data: $('#form1').serialize(),          success: function(json){                 if(json){                 var statusr = json.status;                 alert( "status : "+statusr );             }else{                 alert( "error in json" );             }          },          error: function(){               alert('error while request..');          }      }); }  </script> <?php     function getpost()        {          $getcode    = $_post['part_code'];          $query      = $this->db->query( "select count(*) + 1 count videos id = '%$getcode%'" );         //echo $this->db->last_query(); die;         $querydata  = $query->row_array();         $phpvar     = array( "status" => $querydata['count'] );          echo json_encode ( $phpvar ) ;         } ?>