i want install lnmp(linux, nginx, php , mysql) on ubuntu.
i googled,but found severals diff methods installing php although used apt-get.
this made me doubt.
some 1 used:
apt-get install php5
some 1 used:
apt-get install php5-pfm
and 1 used:
apt-get install php5-common php5-cli php5-fpm
i not know diff of these methods, can 1 tell me?
use following:
update apt-get
sudo apt-get update
install mysql
sudo apt-get install mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql
install nginx
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo service nginx start
ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }'
install php
sudo apt-get install php5-fpm
php-fpm (fastcgi process manager) alternative php fastcgi implementation additional features. used busier sites. if want can use or go simple php5 install