XCode 7 with iOS 9.3 - Constraints Works in iPhones Simulator But When Running in an iPad Simulator a Margin is Added -

i'm creating simple project, can't make constraints work both in iphones , ipad, there's wierd behavior when execute app in ipad simulator (images below).

i read there's differences in margins between iphones , ipad , though tried find couldn't figure out how solve problem.

it's seems problem in view margins... tried put code in appdelegate:

uitableviewcell.appearance().preservessuperviewlayoutmargins = true uitableviewcell.appearance().contentview.preservessuperviewlayoutmargins = true 

that founded in link uitableviewcell autolayout left margin different on iphone , ipad

but doesn't worked!

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thanks in advanced help.

silly mistake, didn't set in devices universal.

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