//this in frame 1 put function movie clip in frame 3 directorio.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, exec); function excec(e:mouseevent):void{ trace("yes"); }
but if have same movieclip in frame 2 , 3 need duplicate same code. how can put general code in frames?
i have 13 frames , have problem add as3 in frames because if add functions frame frame have error of duplicated functions , if add as3 in onli 1 frame time line have error of propierty undefined , existst -> movie clip in time line frame 3 example.
so wath correct? :(
1) search web how create document class in as3
2) create document class
3) i'm not sure directorio is...but if object go step 4
4) search web on how create linkeage class library object in as3
5) create linkeage class named directorio
6) write following code inside document class (name documentclass
import flash.display.movieclip; import flash.events.mouseevent; public var directorio:directorio; public function documentclass() { directorio = new directorio(); directorio.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, exec); } public function exec():void { trace("yes"); }
what you're doing little united states doing debt...instead of thinking of future of programming in as3, want make quick fix here , now, sacrificing later. highly suggest go through these steps on how learn code in as3, rather more succinct fix (which possible, won't how, think using classes important in as3). hope helps