java - Query in Hibernate with HQL -

i have been trying long time make simple query hql return me

java.lang.illegalargumentexception: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.querysyntaxexception:  unexpected token: on near line 1, column 72  [select p, g.description entity.tb_person p inner join tb_gender g   on p.idgender = p.username= :username] 

here code query:

string jpql = "select p, g.description "             + "from tb_person p inner join tb_gender g "             + "on p.idgender = p.username= :username"; query query = manager.createquery(jpql); query.setparameter("username", credentials.getusername()); list l = (list)query.getresultlist(); 

here entities:

package entity;  import;  import javax.persistence.entity; import; import javax.persistence.table;  import org.hibernate.annotations.foreignkey;  @entity @table(name="tb_person") public class tb_person {  @id private string cpf;  private string name;  private date birthday;   private string photopath;  @foreignkey(name = "fk_tb_person_tb_user1") private string username;  @foreignkey(name = "fk_person_gender") private int idgender; public string getusername() {     return username; }  public void setusername(string username) {     username = username; }  public string getcpf() {     return cpf; }  public void setcpf(string cpf) {     cpf = cpf; }  public string getname() {     return name; }  public void setname(string name) {     name = name; }  public date getbirthday() {     return birthday; }  public void setbirthday(date birthday) {     birthday = birthday; }  public string getphotopath() {     return photopath; }  public void setphotopath(string photopath) {     photopath = photopath; } }  package entity;  import javax.persistence.entity; import; import javax.persistence.table;  @entity @table(name="tb_gender") public class tb_gender {      @id     private int id;      private string description;      private string abbreviation;      public string getdescription() {         return description;     }      public void setdescription(string description) {         description = description;     }      public string getabbreviation() {         return abbreviation;     }      public void setabbreviation(string abbreviation) {         abbreviation = abbreviation;     }      public int getid() {         return id;     }  } 

what doing wrong?

i think not establishing relationships between entities correctly.

@foreignkey represents constraint not represent relationship between java entities.

until hibernate 5.1 version, can not use join between entities in jpql if not have established relation between them using annotations @onetoone, @onetomany, @manytoone, ... more info subject , how join unrelated entities.

to execute query, have define in entities

 @entity  @table(name="tb_person")  public class tb_person {       @id      private string cpf;       @onetoone      @joincolumn(name = "user_id") // <- table column constrained fk_tb_person_tb_user1      private tb_user user;       ...  }