angular 2.0.0-rc.1 how to configure a router to behave like UI-Router did? -

i'm trying angular2 router setup support deep linking. used use ui-router in angular 1.5 , kept state information right of '#'. i'm trying understand if angular2 router either @angular/router or @angular/router-deprecated can configured in way support behavior. i'm finding documentation refers hashlocationstrategy, can't import @angular/router-deprecated or @angular/router i'm not sure these examples still valid.

deep linking angular2 walk through

specifically can't import:

import {locationstrategy, hashlocationstrategry} 'angular2/router'; 

you should import '@angular/common':


import { bootstrap }         '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { router_providers }  '@angular/router-deprecated'; import { provide }           '@angular/core'; import { locationstrategy,     hashlocationstrategy } '@angular/common'; import { appcomponent }      './app.component';   bootstrap(appcomponent, [ router_providers, provide(locationstrategy,      {useclass: hashlocationstrategy}) ]); 
