Using fields_for in Rails 4...does not save the new fields -

i trying use fields_for helper method on project working on. original form works , saves fine. new attributes not save , nomethoderror , undefined method. missing?!

here listing model:

class listing < activerecord::base has_one :listing_commerical_attribute accepts_nested_attributes_for :listing_commerical_attribute, :allow_destroy => true 

here listing_commercial_attribute model:

class listingcommercialattribute < activerecord::base   belongs_to :listing   accepts_nested_attributes_for :listing end 

here controller:

def new   @listing.build_listing_commercial_attribute    respond_to |format|     format.html # new.html.erb     format.json { render json: @listing }   end end  private  def commercial_params   params.require(:commerical_listing_attribute)       .permit(:gas_pipe_size,               :amperage,               :basement_ceiling_height,               :ceiling_height,               :door_size,               :zoning,               :previous_use,               :community_board,               :delivery_date,               :key_money,               :security_deposit,               :price_per_sq_ft,               :did_size) end 

here _form.html.erb:

<h2 class="text-center">commercial</h2>  <%= f.fields_for :listing_commerical_attributes |ff| %> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :gas_pipe_size, "gas pipe size", class: "general-text-label" %>   <%= ff.number_field :gas_pipe_size, class: "general-text-field" %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :amperage, "amperage", class: "general-text-label" %>   <%= ff.number_field :amperage, class: "general-text-field" %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :ceiling_height, "ceiling height", class: "general-text-label" %>   <%= ff.number_field :ceiling_height, class: "general-text-field" %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :basement_ceiling_height, "basement ceiling height", class: "general-text-label" %>   <%= ff.number_field :basement_ceiling_height, class: "general-text-field" %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :door_size, "door size", class: "general-text-label" %>   <%= ff.number_field :door_size, class: "general-text-field" %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :zoning, "zoning", class: "general-text-label" %>   <%= ff.text_field :zoning, class: "general-text-field" %> </div> <div class="field">   <label for="tenant_improvements" class="general-text-label">tenant improvements <small>(if applicable)</small></label>   <%= ff.text_area :tenant_improvements, :rows => "4", class: "general-text-area" %> </div> <div class="field">   <label for="previous_use" class="general-text-label">previous use <small>(if applicable)</small></label>   <%= ff.text_area :previous_use, :rows => "4", class: "general-text-area" %> </div> <div class= "field">   <%= ff.label :community_board, "community board", class: "general-text-label" %>   <%= ff.text_field :community_board, class: "general-text-field" %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :delivery_date, "delivery date", class: "general-text-label" %>   <div class="input-group">     <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="nklyn-icon-calendar"></i></span>     <%= ff.text_field :delivery_date, :class => "datepicker general-text-field" %> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :key_money, "key money", class: "general-text-label" %>   <div class="input-group">     <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="nklyn-icon-money-bills"></i></span>     <%= f.text_field :key_money, class: "general-text-field", value: number_with_precision(f.object.price, delimiter: ',', precision: 0) %>   </div> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :security_deposit, "security deposit", class: "general-text-label" %>   <div class="input-group">     <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="nklyn-icon-money-bills"></i></span>     <%= f.text_field :security_deposit, class: "general-text-field", value: number_with_precision(f.object.price, delimiter: ',', precision: 0) %>   </div> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :price_per_sq_ft, "price per sq ft", class: "general-text-label" %>   <div class="input-group">     <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="nklyn-icon-money-bills"></i></span>     <%= f.text_field :price_per_sq_ft, class: "general-text-field", value: number_with_precision(f.object.price, delimiter: ',', precision: 0) %>   </div> </div> <div class="field">   <%= ff.label :did_size, "drive in doors size", class: "general-text-label" %>   <%= ff.number_field :did_size, class: "general-text-field" %> </div> <% end %> 


  1. i made change listingcommercialattribute model , removed accepts nested attributes for.

  2. i changed f.fields_for singular instead of plural.

  3. i added in nested attributes after parent (see below)

    def listing_params    params.require(:listing)       .permit(:access,           :address,           :apartment,           :cats_ok,           :cross_streets,           :dogs_ok,           :latitude,           :longitude,           :amenities,           :date_available,           :bathrooms,           :bedrooms,           :description,           :fee,           :exclusive,           :featured,           :rental,           :residential,           :landlord_contact,           :listing_agent_id,           :sales_agent_id,           :neighborhood_id,           :pets,           :photo,           :photo_tag,           :primaryphoto,           :price,           :square_feet,           :station,           :status,           :subway_line,           :term,           :title,           :utilities,           :move_in_cost,           :owner_pays,           :private,           :office_id,           :full_address,           :zip,           :convertible,           :landlord_llc,           :pinned,           :image,           listing_commercial_attribute_attributes: [           :gas_pipe_size,           :amperage,           :basement_ceiling_height,           :ceiling_height,           :door_size,           :zoning,           :previous_use,           :community_board,           :delivery_date,           :key_money,           :security_deposit,           :price_per_sq_ft,           :did_size]) end 
  4. here new controller actions:

    def edit    @listing.attributes = listing_params end  def create    @listing.attributes = listing_params     respond_to |format|      if         format.html { redirect_to @listing, notice: 'listing created.' }         format.json { render json: @listing, status: :created, location: @listing }      else         format.html { render action: "new", notice: "correct mistakes below create new listing" }         format.json { render json: @listing.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }     end   end end 

but getting nomethoderror in listings#show error. created partial commercial attributes. shouldn't included in strong params, or totally misunderstanding that?!

here partial:

    gas pipe size: <%= listing_commercial_attributes.gas_pipe_size(@listing) %>     amperage: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.amperage(@listing) %>     basement ceiling height: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.basement_celing_height(@listing) %>     ceiling height: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.ceiling_height(@listing) %>     door size: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.door_size(@listing) %>     zoning: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.zoning(@listing) %>     build suit: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.build_to_suit(@listing) %>     previous use: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.previous_use(@listing) %>     community board: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.community_board(@listing) %>     delivery date: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.delivery_date(@listing) %>     key money: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.key_money(@listing) %> 

update #2

i changed singular.

here complete error.

nameerror in listings#show

showing /users/code/app/views/listings/_commercial_attributes.html.erb line #1 raised:

undefined local variable or method `listing_commercial_attribute' #<#:0x007f86606f6a10> did mean? listing_collection_url

  • gas pipe size: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.gas_pipe_size(@listing) %>
  • amperage: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.amperage(@listing) %>
  • basement ceiling height: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.basement_celing_height(@listing) %>
  • ceiling height: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.ceiling_height(@listing) %>
  • door size: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.door_size(@listing) %>
  • zoning: <%= listing_commercial_attribute.zoning(@listing) %>

trace of template inclusion: app/views/listings/_listing_content_area.html.erb, app/views/listings/show.html.erb

update #3

  def show       @my_listing_collections = listingcollection.with_agent(current_agent).order("created_at desc")       @listing_commercial_attributes = listingcommercialattribute.find(params[:id])       @regions = region.order(name: :asc)       @listing = listing.includes(:photos, :likes, :interested_agents).find(params[:id])        if @listing.private && cannot?(:create, listing)         redirect_to listings_path, notice: 'this listing no longer available'       else         agent = agent.where(id: params[:agent_id]).first         @page =, agent)          respond_to |format|           format.html         end       end     end 

i keep getting error:

activerecord::recordnotfound in listingscontroller#show

couldn't find listingcommercialattribute 'id'=5755

it searching commercial attribute id of 5755, listing id. i'm not sure pass in there...

  1. do not define accepts_nested_attributes_for on both models. on parent model. otherwise you'll run circular dependency issues. in case parent model looks it's listing, remove accepts_nested_attributes_for :listing listingcommercialattribute.
  2. the first argument f.fields_for should name of association , yours off. have has_one : listing_commerical_attribute want f.fields_for : listing_commerical_attribute.
  3. the strong parameters should require parent object first , include nested objects second. also, must append _attributes end of nested attribute name.

so, 3:

def listing_params   params.require(:listing)         .permit(:id,                 # ...                 listing_commercial_attribute_attributes: [ # note: _attributes                   :gas_pipe_size,                   # ...                 ]) end 
  1. in create/edit actions, sure set params strong parameters method: @listing.attributes = listing_params.

read more in docs on accepts_nested_attributes_for , strong parameters.