marklogic - Normalize space in each element of XML using XQuery -

i having xml -

<a:price-range xmlns:c="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:r="">     <c:id></c:id>     <c:type>series-item</c:type>     <f:assessment-low>8.946586935</f:assessment-low>     <f:assessment-high>9.946586935</f:assessment-high>     <f:mid>9.44658693500000000000</f:mid>     <f:period-label>         <c:l10n xml:lang="en"/>     </f:period-label> </a:price-range> 

i want normalise space in xml. in above example, there spaces in c:id element. after normalising spaces, above xml -

<a:price-range xmlns:c="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:r="">     <c:id></c:id>     <c:type>series-item</c:type>     <f:assessment-low>8.946586935</f:assessment-low>     <f:assessment-high>9.946586935</f:assessment-high>     <f:mid>9.44658693500000000000</f:mid>     <f:period-label>         <c:l10n xml:lang="en"/>     </f:period-label> </a:price-range> 

i had @ fn:normalise-space, work strings only.

i don't think possible applying serialization options, have go through tree applying transformation pattern. adjusted example page normalize space , support namespaces:

declare function local:copy($node node()) node() {   typeswitch($node)     case $text text()       return text { normalize-space($text) }     case $element element()       return         element { qname(namespace-uri($element), name($element)) } {                   $element/@*,                   $child in $element/(* | text()) return local:copy($child)                 }     default return $node  };   local:copy(   <a:price-range xmlns:c="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:r="">     <c:id></c:id>     <c:type>series-item</c:type>     <f:assessment-low>8.946586935</f:assessment-low>     <f:assessment-high>9.946586935</f:assessment-high>     <f:mid>9.44658693500000000000</f:mid>     <f:period-label>         <c:l10n xml:lang="en"/>     </f:period-label>   </a:price-range> ) 

marklogic allows apply xslt stylesheet, might more elegant version of doing using <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/> proposed @raj.