swift - The Places API for iOS is not enabled -

i attempting upload current users location parse cannot retrieve current users location. following tutorial here , have copied of necessary code straight there receiving error: current place error: operation couldn’t completed. places api ios not enabled. see developer's guide (https://developers.google.com/places/ios/start) how enable google places api ios.

below following viewdidload upload function.

@iboutlet weak var viewmap: gmsmapview!  var placesclient: gmsplacesclient?    override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()     placesclient = gmsplacesclient()      let testobject = pfobject(classname: "testobject")     testobject["foo"] = "bar"     testobject.saveinbackgroundwithblock { (success: bool, error: nserror?) -> void in         print("object has been saved.")     }      let camera = gmscameraposition.camerawithlatitude(33.600727, longitude: -117.900840, zoom: 16.9)       viewmap.camera = camera     viewmap.mylocationenabled = true     viewmap.settings.mylocationbutton = true       let marker = gmsmarker()     marker.position = cllocationcoordinate2dmake(33.600727, -117.900840)     marker.title = "newport beach"     marker.snippet = "california"     marker.map = viewmap      // additional setup after loading view, typically nib.     upload() }    var gmsplace : gmsplace? var gpscoordinates : string? func upload() {    // var place : gmsplace     var placesclient = gmsplacesclient.sharedclient()     placesclient.currentplacewithcallback { (placelikelihoods, error) -> void in         guard error == nil else {             print("current place error: \(error!.localizeddescription)")             return         }         var place : gmsplace         if let placelikelihoods = placelikelihoods {             likelihood in placelikelihoods.likelihoods {                 place = likelihood.place                 print("current place name \(place.name) @ likelihood \(likelihood.likelihood)")                 print("current place address \(place.formattedaddress)")                 print("current place attributions \(place.attributions)")                 print("current placeid \(place.placeid)")                 self.gpscoordinates = (place.placeid)                  print(self.path)                 var videodata: nsdata                 videodata = (nsdata.datawithcontentsofmappedfile(self.path!) as? nsdata)!                  let file = pffile(name:"upload.mp4", data:videodata)                  let uploadedvideo = pfobject(classname:"uploadedvideo")                  uploadedvideo["gps"] = self.gpscoordinates                 uploadedvideo["videofile"] = file                 uploadedvideo.saveinbackground()                  file!.saveinbackgroundwithblock { (success: bool, error: nserror?) -> void in print("file has been saved")                 }             }         }     }  } 

follow these steps enable google places api ios , google maps sdk ios in project on google developers console. if project doesn't have ios key (a type of api key), these instructions create new api key.

  • go google developers console.
  • create or select project.
  • click continue enable both google places api ios , google maps sdk ios.
  • on credentials page, ios key , set api credentials. note: if have existing ios key, may use key. can use same key of ios applications within same project.
  • enter app's bundle identifier when prompted. example: com.example.hello-places.
  • click create. new ios key appears in list of api keys project. api key string of characters, this:


note: need enable maps service in google developer console. in new layout, choose apis & auth section , apis subitem in left column. next, in right 1 enable maps sdk ios clicking on off button.

to find local business or other place device located, call gmsplacesclient currentplacewithcallback:. include callback method handle results.

the following code sample retrieves list of places device located, , logs name, likelihood, , other details each place.

placesclient.currentplacewithcallback({ (placelikelihoods, error) -> void in       guard error == nil else {         print("current place error: \(error!.localizeddescription)")         return       }        if let placelikelihoods = placelikelihoods {         likelihood in placelikelihoods.likelihoods {           let place = likelihood.place           print("current place name \(place.name) @ likelihood \(likelihood.likelihood)")           print("current place address \(place.formattedaddress)")           print("current place attributions \(place.attributions)")           print("current placeid \(place.placeid)")         }       }     }) 

here's related ticket discuss how current location: get user's current location / coordinates