javascript - MVC 5 Form Submit event.preventDefault() Html DisplayFor won't render -

i'm new mvc 5, razor , puzzled on problem. i'm creating jquery draggable/droppable page users can drag item "available item" unordered list on "selected item" unordered list.

when item dropped, use javascript add list item ul. when form's submit button clicked , form submitted, stop default submission taking place calling event.preventdefault() method. loop through id's of selected items, put them array, , post them controller method. works well.

if error occurs, want render error message @ top of response page in new table column. not rendered (it's not in page source). took awhile figure out looks it's event.preventdefault() method causes -- if take out, shows error message fine of course controller method called twice.

any appreciated why happens.

update: have added code should compile , reproduce issue:
- run it, , leave "enter data set name:" textbox empty (which error)
- click "add data set" button , won't see error message.
- comment out event.preventdefault() in form submit javascript function
- run it, doing same thing , see error message (in red font).


public class datasourcefield {            private int id;     public int id     {         { return id; }         set { id = value; }     }     private string text;     public string text     {         { return text; }         set { text = value; }     } } 


public class datasetmaintmodel : modelbase {     public int[] insertselfields { get; set; }     public list<datasourcefield> availcolumnlist { get; set; }     public string exceptionmsg { get; set; }     public string datasetnameinsert { get; set; }      public datasetmaintmodel()     { }  } 

razor view:

@using totestmgmt @model totestmgmt.models.datasetmaintmodel  @{     viewbag.title = "cm lot search"; }  @mvchtmlstring.create("<table border=\"1\" style=\"margin:20px;\">") @mvchtmlstring.create("<tr><td style=\"width:45px;\" class=\"mainlayoutheader\">") @mvchtmlstring.create("data&nbsp;set&nbsp;maintenance</td>")  @if (model != null && model.exceptionmsg != null) {     <td class="errormsg" style="padding-left:15px; padding-top:8px;" colspan="4">     @html.displayfor(model => model.exceptionmsg)    </td> }  @mvchtmlstring.create("</tr>")     @mvchtmlstring.create("<tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"layoutcolumn\" style=\"width:")  @mvchtmlstring.create("vertical-align:top; padding-top:6px;\">") @mvchtmlstring.create("<div class=\"outerdivthinborder\">") @mvchtmlstring.create("<table border=\"1\" class=\"contenttable\" style=\"margin-bottom:10px;\" height=\"400px\" width=\"100%\">") @mvchtmlstring.create("<tr height=\"30px\"><td class=\"smallheadercolor\" colspan=\"2\">")  @mvchtmlstring.create("<b>add&nbsp;new&nbsp;data&nbsp;set</b></td></tr>")  @using (html.beginform("insertdataset", "datasetmaint", {            if (model != null) {     @mvchtmlstring.create("<tr height=\"25px\"><td class=\"leftindent\" style=\"padding-top:8px; vertical-align: top; width:30%;\" >")     @mvchtmlstring.create("enter&nbsp;data&nbsp;set&nbsp;name:<br>")     @html.textboxfor(model => model.datasetnameinsert, new { @style = "width:97%;", @class = "leftindent" })     @mvchtmlstring.create("</td>")     @mvchtmlstring.create("<td align=\"left\" style=\"padding-left:15px; vertical-align:bottom; width:30%;\">")     @mvchtmlstring.create("<input class=\"greybutton\" type=\"submit\" value=\"add data set\" name=\"insertdatasetsubmit\"/></td></tr>")     @mvchtmlstring.create("<tr height=\"25px\"><td style=\"padding-top:3px;\" class=\"leftindent\" width=\"90px\" colspan=\"3\">")      @mvchtmlstring.create("available fields</td></tr>")      @mvchtmlstring.create("<tr height=\"300px\"><td style=\"vertical-align:top;\" class=\"leftindent\">")      <div id="availcolsdiv">         <ul style="margin-left:-35px;">                             @foreach (datasourcefield item in model.availcolumnlist)             {                 <li class="dragclass" id="" title="@item.text">@item.text</li>             }                         </ul>     </div>      @mvchtmlstring.create("</td><td style=\"vertical-align:top; width:40%;\" class=\"leftindent\">")      <div id="selectedcolsdiv">         <ul style="margin-left:-20px;">             @*<li class="placeholder">add items here</li>*@         </ul>     </div>      @mvchtmlstring.create("</td></tr>")     }   }      @mvchtmlstring.create("</table></div></td></tr></table>")    @section javascript { <script src="~/scripts/myjavascript.js"></script> } 


$(function () { $("#availcolsdiv li").draggable({     appendto: "body",     helper: "clone",     refreshpositions: true }); $("#selectedcolsdiv").droppable({     accept: ":not(.ui-sortable-helper)",     drop: function (event, ui) {         var id = $(ui.draggable).attr('id');         $(this).find(".placeholder").remove();          $('<li class="dropclass droplistitem" id="' + id + '" title="' + ui.draggable.text() + '"></li>').text(ui.draggable.text()).appendto(this);     } }).sortable({     items: "li:not(.placeholder)",     sort: function () {         $(this).removeclass("ui-state-default");     } }); });  $('form').on('submit', function (event) { //stop default submission event.preventdefault();  var ids = []; $('.droplistitem').each(function (index, value) {     var id = $(value).prop('id');     ids.push(id); });  $.post(     '/datasetmaint/insertdataset',   {       requestmodel: {           insertselfields: ids,           datasetnameinsert: $('#datasetnameadd').val()       },       ids: ids   }  ); }); 

controller method:

public class datasetmaintcontroller : controller {     [httpget]     public actionresult datasetmaintadd(int id = 1, string successmsg = null)     {         datasetmaintmodel responsemodel = null;          try         {             responsemodel = new datasetmaintmodel();             responsemodel.availcolumnlist = populateavaillist();                             return view(responsemodel);         }                     catch (exception ex)         {             responsemodel.exceptionmsg = ex.message;                            return view("datasetmaintadd", responsemodel);         }     }     [httppost]     public actionresult insertdataset(datasetmaintmodel requestmodel, int[] ids)      {         datasetmaintmodel responsemodel = new datasetmaintmodel();          try         {             //validate required values             if (string.isnullorwhitespace(requestmodel.datasetnameinsert))             {                 responsemodel.availcolumnlist = populateavaillist();                  throw new exception("please enter data set name");             }              responsemodel.datasetnameinsert = requestmodel.datasetnameinsert;             responsemodel.availcolumnlist = populateavaillist();               return view("datasetmaintadd", responsemodel);              }         catch (exception ex)         {                             modelstate.remove("exceptionmsg");                            responsemodel.exceptionmsg = ex.message;                      return view("datasetmaintadd", responsemodel);                         }     }     public list<datasourcefield> populateavaillist()    {        list<datasourcefield> availcolumnlist = new list<datasourcefield>();         datasourcefield field = new datasourcefield { id = 1, text = "item 1" };        availcolumnlist.add(field);         field = new datasourcefield { id = 2, text = "item 2" };        availcolumnlist.add(field);         return availcolumnlist;    } } 


#availcolsdiv {   float: left; background-color: #e5e4e2; border-radius: 5px; overflow: visible; width: 290px;    height: 450px;   margin: 5px;  overflow-y: scroll;  overflow-x: hidden; }  #availcolsdiv ul{ height: 750px; float: left; }  #selectedcolsdiv {  float:left; background-color: #e5e4e2; border-radius: 5px; overflow:visible; width: 290px;    height: 450px;   margin: 5px;  max-height: 450px; overflow-y: scroll;  }  .dragclass { background-color: #ffff99; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px; margin: 10px; width: 220px; list-style-type:none; }  .dropclass {     background-color: #ffff99; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px; margin: 10px; width: 220px; list-style-type:none;      }  #availcolsdiv li, #selectedcolsdiv li { cursor: pointer; }  .errormsg { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; color: red; }