Adding rows with encoding to a Google Sheet R package googlesheets -

i'm using amazing package able read , upload data shiny app. it's working ok, when add row sheet, not keep same encoding server, neither behaves data in previous rows. spanish names manually entered ok, when use app load data, special latin characters (utf-8) replaced in sheet. data, not recognized app in following sessions.

library(googlesheets)  table <- "reportes"  savedata <- function(data) {   # grab google sheet   sheet <- gs_title(table)   # add data new row   gs_add_row(sheet, input = data) }  loaddata <- function() {    # grab google sheet    sheet <- gs_title(table)    # read data    gs_read_csv(sheet) } 

then, use button in ui, , observer in server load data...

  observeevent(input$enviar, {      exit <- input$enviar      if (exit==1){        adddata <- c( as.character(input$fecha),                    as.character(input$local),                    as.character(input$dpto),                    as.character(input$estado),                    as.character(input$fsiembra),                    as.character(input$ref),                     as.character(loc$lat[loc$departamento==input$dpto & loc$localidad==input$local]),                     as.character(loc$long[loc$departamento==input$dpto & loc$localidad==input$local]),                    as.character(getzafra(input$fecha)))        savedata(adddata)        d <- loaddata()        reset('fecha')       reset('dpto')       reset('local')       reset('estado')       reset('fsiembra')       reset('ref')       reset('pass')        disable('enviar')      }   }) 

please... if can i'd happy.

i discovered needed encode character vector before uploding...

i used:

encoding(adddata) = "latin1" savedata(adddata) 

and worked fine!.