so believe i'm having issues syntax in batch file trying write. i'm new writing batch files, , still learning how language works. essentially, have script can run -run
, additional commands:
scriptname -run -prereq
i want able have menu commands can run script:
scriptname -help
followed more input parameters user wants for
** enter additional input commands script help:
user input like:
-prereq -one -two -three
the -run
command should run , apply commands.
the -help
command should echo information requested commands.
just running script no -run
or -help
command prints basic header version, time, , explanation -help
exists (as seen in code below)
basically, -run
should call processes depending on applied, can seen label :process_args
similarly, -help
first take -help
command initiate, , ask more parameters, seen in :help_process_args
call labels echo information.
the functionality seems work, if run script no -run
parameter, defaults -run
functionality. also, keep seeing syntax errors try fix default behavior.
can see why -help
works, , why code defaults -run
behavior no parameters, instead of printing short header? also, there syntax errors obvious? (again, i'm new batch files)
here's relevant code shows menu creation , calls run , processes.
echo ********************************************* echo ** echo ** script version: x.x echo ** started at: %time% echo ** options use: scriptnamehere -help echo ** echo ********************************************* if /i [%1]==[-help] ( echo ** options: echo ********************************************* echo ** echo ** -run = runs script echo ** -prereq = skip prereq steps echo ** echo ** enter additional input commands script help: echo ** goto help_input endlocal exit /b 0 ) if /i [%1]==[-run] ( call :process_args %* call :labelone call :labeltwo call :labelthree endlocal exit /b 0 ) else ( goto end ) :help_input set input= set /p input= ** : goto help_process :help_process call :process_help_args %input% if /i not "%_help_opts:-echo=%"=="%_help_opts%" goto:eof call :helplabelone call :helplabeltwo call :helplabelthree :process_help_args if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% echo. && echo * setting special arguments :help_args_loop if not [%1] equ [] ( if [%_help_opts%] neq [] set _help_opts=%_help_opts%/%1 if [%_help_opts%] equ [] set _help_opts=%1 echo -- found %1 shift goto help_args_loop ) else ( if not defined _help_opts ( echo * no options provided set _help_opts=**empty** ) ) goto:eof :process_args if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% echo. && echo * setting special arguments :args_loop if not [%1] equ [] ( if [%_opts%] neq [] set _opts=%_opts%/%1 if [%_opts%] equ [] set _opts=%1 echo -- found %1 shift goto args_loop ) else ( if not defined _opts ( echo * no options provided set _opts=**empty** ) ) goto:eof :end endlocal echo ** script complete @ %time% exit /b 0
endlocal exit /b 0 ) else ( goto end )
endlocal exit /b 0 ) else ( goto end )
produced following results.
c:>labstuff.bat ********************************************* ** ** script version: x.x ** started at: 13:17:55.30 ** options use: scriptnamehere -help ** ********************************************* ** script complete @ 13:17:55.32
c:>labstuff.bat -run ********************************************* ** ** script version: x.x ** started at: 13:16:15.62 ** options use: scriptnamehere -help ** ********************************************* * setting special arguments -- found -run system cannot find batch label specified - labelone system cannot find batch label specified - labeltwo system cannot find batch label specified - labelthree