CORS or Something Else - AngularJS and Ionic -

i working on ionic app , can't seem find breakdown particular problem. trying serve single user user model , "get http://localhost:3000/api/users/5743a5f9db9e7ce607d47c9c 403 (forbidden)". long number on end of link there user id. cors issue or else? here's code:

from global controller:

.controller('globalctrl', function(users, $rootscope, $state, $stateparams, $window, stocks, $scope){     if ($ == 'show-user') {     console.log("state first time",$$stateparams.userid).success(function(results){       console.log("state second time",$       //console.log("globalctrl single user results", results)       $scope.user = results       console.log("$scope.user", $scope.user)     })   } }) 

from user service:

 .factory('users', function($http) {   var apiurl = 'http://localhost:3000/api/users/'      return {        index: function(){         return $http.get(apiurl)       },       show: function(userid){        console.log("user service running", userid);        return $http.get(apiurl + userid)        console.log("userid:",userid)      }   } }) 

the states standard. userid identified in index users template in ui-sref follows:

<a ui-sref="show-user({userid: user._id})">{{user._id}}</a> 

thanks help! if more info needed let me know.