ios - Super expression must either be null or a function, react native 0.26.3 -

i newbie in react native. have 1 similar problem in different projects. when try compile project, see problem. why error appear? p.s. learning react-native tutorials

picture of error


'use strict'; var react = require('react-native');  var{   stylesheet,   view,   text,   component } = react;  var styles = stylesheet.create({   description:{     fontsize: 20,     backgroundcolor: 'white'   },   container:{     flex: 1,     justifycontent: 'center',     alignitems: 'center'   } }); class  featured extends component{   render() {     return(       <view style = {styles.container}>         <text style = {styles.description}>         featured tab         </text>       </view>     );   } } module.exports = featured; 

change import statement below

import react, { component } 'react';  import {   stylesheet,   view,   text, } 'react-native';