heroku - configuring loader.io in rails -

i trying use loader.io add on in heroku stress test servers , optimize servers. having hard time verifying url. have followed loader.io documentation on how verify url don't think doing correctly. documentation suggests following steps.

1) place verification token in file or download it. downloaded .txt file. documentation says, "the file should uploaded @ root of server". placed file in root directory following error. url returned wrong response code (404). therefore, don't think placing in right place.

2) upload file server accessible @ 1 of following urls:

http://example..com/loaderio-28016b04fdb0ed4ea066**********a.txt  http://example..com/loaderio-28016b04fdb0ed4ea066**********a.html  http://example..com/loaderio-28016b04fdb0ed4ea066**********a/ 

the way know make these links available through relevant controller , actions. made controller called loaders_controller , show template token file in it. named route points loaders controller , show action. way know can make following route available. route file given below.

get 'http://example..com/loaderio-28016b04fdb0ed4ea066**********a.txt' => 'loaders#show' 

when tired verify it, said url found token not present. don't think right way it. route formation not seem right me. think problem placing file in root servers. not sure doing wrong.

place .txt file in public folder of rails app. automatically served @ root url, i.e. http://example.com/xxxxxx.txt.