c# - Define elasticsearch mapping for a dictionary coming from the remote api -

i fetching marketcatalogue data betfair api-ng , want store in elasticsearch (v1.4.4).

the data coming api contains lot of properties , complex types. there complex type named runners contains related data , dictionary<string,string>. want define such mapping store data in elasticsearch. sample mapping below:

"marketcatalogue" :{     "properties":{         "marketid":{"type":"string", "index": "not_analyzed" },         "marketname":{"type":"string", "analyzer":"keylower" },         "ismarketdatadelayed":{"type","boolean"},         "description":{             "persistenceenabled":{"type","boolean"},             "bspmarket":{"type","boolean"},             "markettime":{"type" : "date","format":"dateoptionaltime"},             "suspendtime":{"type" : "date","format":"dateoptionaltime"},             "settletime":{"type" : "date","format":"dateoptionaltime"},             "bettingtype":{"type":"integer"},             "turninplayenabled":{"type","boolean"},             "markettype":{"type":"string", "analyzer":"keylower" },             "regulator":{"type":"string", "analyzer":"keylower" },             "marketbaserate":{"type":"double"},             "discountallowed":{"type","boolean"},             "wallet":{"type":"string", "analyzer":"keylower"},             "rules":{"type":"string"},             "ruleshasdate":{"type","boolean"},             "clarifications":{"type":"string"}         },         "runners":{             "selectionid":{"type":"long"},             "runnername":{"type":"string", "analyzer":"keylower"},             "handicap":{"type":"double"},             "metadata":{              }         }     } } 


the medatadata dictionary<string,string> coming api , can contain data like:

<"trainer_name", "john">, <"wearing", "wearing one">,.... 

storing data type not big deal problem how define mapping dictionary.

any save lot of time , make me learn mapping creation better way.

thanks in advance.

every single field in elasticsearch can both singular value, or array of values. includes objects:

"metadata" : {   "type" : "object",   "properties" : {     "key" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },     "value" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" }   } } 

then if json looked this, picked above mapping:

{   ...,   "metadata": [     { "key" : "trainer_home", "value" : "john" },     { "key" : "wearing", "value" : "wearing one" }   ] } 

alternatively, if don't want search data, want accepted index part of _source, not index individual fields (this reduces size of index if you're not going use metadata search):

{   "metadata" : {     "type" : "object",     "dynamic" : false   } } 

this means can never data inside of es, there when query against other fields.

if want search metadata, probably want use "type" : "nested" rather object (be sure take note @ bottom seriously; nothing free).