javascript - Center visible HighMaps area -

i'm displaying usa states , using full usa map highmaps collection. if i'm hiding or showing n states there way resize rendered map area zoom or show visible area.

an example show states on east coast only. right full usa map "area" shown it's blank.

can highmaps limit visible area smaller full-map-area? such "center on visible area?

or preffered way show sections of usa provide custom map data renders sections of usa want show on map.

example map:

enter image description here

example js:

<!--//--><![cdata[//><!-- jquery(document).ready(function () {     var rep_color = 'orange';     var dem_color = '#244999';     jquery.getjson("http://maps.example/sites/default/files/geojson-maps/current-usa.geojson", function(geojson_result) {         jquery("").slidedown().highcharts('map', {         chart : {             borderwidth : 1,             bordercolor: 'silver',             borderradius: 3,             shadow: true         },         credits: {           enabled: false         },         title : {             text : ""         },         subtitle : {             text : ''         },          legend: {             enabled: false         },             series: [{                 // result of .getjson call value passes it's result anonymous function. load nodes file value url data.                 mapdata: geojson_result,                 bordercolor: 'white',                 nullcolor: 'white',                 allareas: true,                 datalabels: {                     enabled: false,                     color: '#ffffff',                     format: '{point.code}'                 },                 data: [{"code":"me","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"nh","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"ma","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"ct","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"nj","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"pa","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"de","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"md","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"va","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"pa","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"ky","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"sc","color":"#cc6600"},{"code":"ga","color":"#cc6600"}],                 // take key in data , map key in mapdata.                 joinby: ['postal-code', 'code']             }]         });     }); }); //--><!]]>