javascript - angularjs reorder ng repeat results based on given array -

i'm learning angularjs , have small question:

i have following array returned user

userpreferences = [7,5,4] 

i have object i'm using ng-repeat display news , looks this:

{     "id": 1,     "preferences": [       3,       4     ] } 

so, want use in ng-repeat, array returned user preferences, , sort news displaying preferences first, below other news, possible?

something like:

<li ng-repeat="new in news | filter:{'userpreferences' : new.preferences}"> 

i don't know if have use filter, orderby or sort, please?

you can have own function returns number of matched preferences on scope:

function intersect(array1, array2) {     return $filter('filter')(array1, function(n){     return array2.indexof(n) != -1;   }); }  $scope.matchedpreferences = function(n) {     return intersect(n.preferences, $scope.userpreferences).length; }; 

and pass orderby filter:

<li ng-repeat="n in news | orderby:matchedpreferences:true">{{n}}</li> 

this order news number of matched preferences in descending order.

here fiddle