i'm breaking brains on this, realy appriciate help!
this code have far..
$conn = db_connect(); $sql = "insert measurements (`date`, `weight`, `waist`, `id`) values (?,?,?,?)"; $stmt = $conn-> prepare($sql); $stmt ->bind_param("sddi", $date, $_post['weight'], $_post['waist'], $user_id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); $conn->close();
its prepared statement sql insert. want change if exist update else insert way doing right now. prepared statement:
if exists (select * measurements user_id=’4’) update measurements set (`weight`=40, `waist`=45) user_id=’4’ else insert measurements values (`date`='week 1', `weight`= 40, `waist`=45, `id`=4)
i found articles on stackoverflow if exist update else insert did not find prepared statement in worked me.
thanks thousand!
i've changed dublicate key style.
$sql = " insert measurements (uniqueid, date, weight, waist) values ('$uniqueid', '$date', '$weight', '$waist') on duplicate key update weight= '$weight', waist= '$waist'"; $conn->query($sql);
now second part of question, how make prepared statement?
to implement mr. jones' solution mysqli
prepared statement, code thus:
$sql = "insert measurements (`uniqueid`, `date`, weight, waist) values (?, ?, ?, ?) on duplicate key update weight = ?, waist = ?"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt ->bind_param("isdddd", $user_id, $date, $_post['weight'], $_post['waist'], $_post['weight'], $_post['waist']); $stmt->execute();
a cleaner implementation use pdo
$sql = "insert measurements (`uniqueid`, `date`, weight, waist) values (:uniqueid, :date, :weight, :waist) on duplicate key update weight = :weight, waist = :waist"; /* $conn pdo object */ $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array(':uniqueid' => $user_id, ':date' => $date, ':weight' => $_post['weight'], ':waist' => $_post['waist']));
note named placeholders, can use same name in more 1 place , need assign value once.