sql - How can I select customers who have certain number of orders and other conditions? -

i studying sql. there 1 particular query find difficult implement (using postgresql database).

could me that?

query : "who customers have @ least 1 order includes products @ least 3 product categories?".

the result should include 2 columns: customerid , quantity of orders.

the tables following:

  1. product productid (id of product)|productcategoryid (product categories) both integers.
  2. salesorderdetail :salesorderid (id order)|salesorderdetailid|orderqty|productid, of them integers .
  3. salesorderheader: salesorderid|customerid, both integers.

the thing got far first part of statement:

select salesorderheader.customerid, salesorderdetail.orderqty  salesorderheader, salesorderdetail; 

sample data:

 productid | productcategoryid   -----------+-------------------            1 |                 2                            2 |                 2                           3 |                 3                            4 |            salesorderid  | salesorderdetailid | orderqty | productid    --------------+--------------------+----------+-----------           43659 |                  1 |        1 |       776           43659 |                  2 |        3 |       777           43659 |                  3 |        1 |       778   salesorderid | customerid     --------------+------------           43659 |      29825           43660 |      29672           43661 |      29734 

i see 2 approaches here:

1) generate subquery contains count salesorderid , count of distinct productcategories used salesorder.

select customerid, count(distinct oh.salesorderid) salesorderswithmorethan3categories salesorderheader oh inner join (select od.salesorderid, count(distinct p.productcategoryid) cnt             salesorderdetail od              inner join product p               on p.proudctid = od.productid             group od.salesorderid) b    on oh.salesorderid = b.saleorderid   , b.cnt >=3 group  oh.customerid 

2) use exists identify orderdetails count of distinct productcategories >=3

select oh.customerid, count(distinct oh.salesorderid) salesorderswithmorethan3categories salesorderheader oh exists (select 1             salesorderdetail od              inner join product p               on p.proudctid = od.productid             oh.salesorderid = od.salesorderid             group od.salesorderid             having count(distinct p.productcategoryid) >=3) group  oh.customerid