c# - Using an anti-cross-thread function to return a value -

i have code around bane of everyone's existence

delegate int getselectedindicescountcallback(listbox thing); private int getselectedindicescount(listbox thing) {  if (this.invokerequired)  {   getselectedindicescountcallback d = new getselectedindicescountcallback(getselectedindicescount);   invoke(d, new object[] { thing });  }  else  {   return thing.selectedindices.count;  }  return 0; } 

the return 0 being there because it'd error without it. however, returns 0. don't know how return other value.

the call control.invoke return value of method. have cast int , return it.

return (int)invoke(d, new object[] { thing });