so, have model order_items , order_attributes. , order_attributes model nested order_items.
schema "order_attributes" belongs_to :order_item, myapp.orderitem belongs_to :attribute, myapp.attribute timestamps end schema "order_items" field :quantity, :integer, default: 1 belongs_to :order, myapp.order belongs_to :food, has_many :order_attributes, myapp.orderattribute timestamps end
i struggling adding data model order_attributes. add data order_item, use hidden input insert data rather using new action. below.
<%= hidden_input f, :food_id, value: @chicken_id %>
so when click menu item, insert data model order_items through hidden input. order_items, want insert data order_attributes model through hidden input. made
<%= inputs_for f, :order_attributes, fn of -> %> <%= hidden_input of, :attribute_id, value: 1 %> <%= hidden_input of, :order_item_id, value: @order_item_id %> <% end %>
but code not working.... how should fix this? can use hidden input insert data nested model?