sql - C# edit button to Access database -

i have particular part of inventory interface requires employee select or name combo box , scan product table assigned name of employee.

my curiosity is: when hitting edit, add or delete button knows table perform function in switch - case statement employee name on it. problem is, piece of code long each employee, 9 employees each have switch - case statement.

any advice on how simplify or shorten code? understand in advance parameterized sql failing use. trying accomplish first.

private void btnadd_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         activecontrol = txtserialn;         if (!string.isnullorempty(txtserialn.text) && !string.isnullorempty(cboempname.text))              switch (cboempname.selecteditem.tostring().trim())             {                 case "john doe":                     try                     {                         connection.open();                         oledbcommand command = new oledbcommand();                         command.connection = connection;                          command.commandtext = "insert johndoe(serialnumber,partnumber,dateentered,customer) values ('" + txtserialn.text + "','" + txtpart.text + "','" + txtdate.text + "','" + txtcustomer.text + "')";                         command.executenonquery();                         messagebox.show("inventory added".padleft(23));                          connection.close();                         txtserialn.clear();                         txtpart.clear();                         txtdate.clear();                         txtcustomer.clear();                          command.commandtext = "select * johndoe order partnumber";                         oledbdataadapter db = new oledbdataadapter(command);                         datatable dt = new datatable();                         db.fill(dt);                         datagridempparts.datasource = dt;                     }                      catch (oledbexception)                     {                         string strmsg = "this serial number exists ! , please try again";                         messagebox.show(strmsg, "you can't enter same 1 again", messageboxbuttons.ok,                         messageboxicon.exclamation,                         messageboxdefaultbutton.button1);                         connection.close();                     }                     break;             }     } 

i rather put lookup table have columns such employeename, assignedtable , dynamically construct commandtext based on parameter values.